Thursday, June 2, 2011

That's what friends are for

Sometimes I feel like I'm drifting through life all alone. Then someone texts me good morning every other day and i realized or yeah I have friends. I think people believe I'm some kind of bubbly social gal but I'm not. If I'm totally honest with myself I would rather be alone than with my friends or even my boyfriend.  Why is that you may ask? If I had to trace it back it would probably start with always being around older people growing up. Yes I have two girl cousins the same age as me ( really more but these are the first cousins I'm referring to sorry name sake). I was always at the my Grammy and Papa Taylor's house. Grammy ( as I have grew to call her) was hooked up into her TV and my Papa honestly he must have been at work because I really don't remember what he was doing. I remember him there in the evenings... anyways but I was always with my grammy and my older sister. We would watch soaps all day and honestly we would be pretty hot.So my sister and I would go to the basement or go outside until my grandma decided it was just too hot and to close all the doors and windows and cut on the air (IT WAS NOT CENTRAL AIR) Now my childhood and going into my adult hood didn't involve  going to friends houses or just chilling. I was mostly with my family. Which sounds strange now that I think of it but now I get it. This is why I am aloner.  I am used to being around my family, relaying on my family for support. Now I have friends that want to help me and a boyfriend that wants to be supportive but what do I do? Blow them off. It's so rude actually.  So today when I was just passing through a bit of a crisis, friends were there in numbers to be supportive. " That's what friends are for."

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